Club La Santa - our favourite family sports holiday
This blog details my journey through pregnancy, postpartum running and beyond!
Pelvic floors, prolapses and pessaries. My 6 week check and journey from there
Weeks 1- 6 Baby steps...
Giving birth - and advocating for myself
37- 38 weeks - a half ironman... and a baby!
35-36 weeks. Just enough time left to accept another challenge!
33 - 34 weeks Babymoon and ramping up running again (for now at least)
31 -32 weeks Back into training!
29 - 30 weeks. Pregnant women are still athletes. Even injured ones.
27-28 Weeks - From highs to lows - adaptations and injury
25-26 weeks Why I see a Womens Physio... and still training hard
23 - 24 weeks - heart rate training and surviving the heat
22 weeks pregnant - half way there and time for a holiday!
How I "climbed" Everest 20 weeks pregnant & the value of still setting challenges
18-19 weeks. Training for Everest, reviewing kit and letting my standards go
16-17 weeks - How to protect your pelvic floor and pelvis in pregnancy
15wks - How to prepare not to run in pregnancy
Week 14 - Strava crowns and back pain
Week 13 - Whats my REAL goal? - learning to control my ego
Weeks 11-12 Reducing the impact